The Spinetail Devil Ray (Mobula mobular) is classified as Endangered in the Mediterranean by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Yet there is very little information on the biology and ecology of the species in the area.
In recent years, Save the Med has been able to gather in-depth information on the presence and behaviour of Spinetail Devil Rays in the Balearic Sea. To date, the team has successfully tagged two individuals and recorded some unique behavioural data, including dives to more than 600m depth and a 650 km journey to the Ligurian Sea (Nothern Italy). This research allowed biologists to better understand these mysterious animals and develop an evidence-based conservation strategy for elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) in the area.
Furthermore, scientists in the Atlantic Manta Coalition are working across geographical borders to better understand Spinetail Devil Rays and how to best protect them. Save the Med is proud to be part of this new alliance. Find out more at www.atlanticmantacoalition.org.
We observed interesting behavioural patterns in rays and added new sightings to our records of Spinetail Devil Rays in the Balearic Sea.
We initiated a rigorous analysis of the collected data, which includes more than 360 sightings and valuable behavioural observations.
We participated in a workshop for the identification of ISRAs (Important Shark and Ray Areas) in the Mediterranean and Black Sea.
We presented projects at the Sharks and rays: biology, clinic and conservation course in Barcelona, organised by CRAM Foundation (Fundación CRAM), a marine NGO dedicated to the conservation and recuperation of marine animals based in Catalunya. Projects presented:
Elasmobranchs in the Palma fish market: Identification of species and errors in fishing statistics
The study of the Spinetail devil ray (Mobula mobular) in Balearic waters.
We presented information about the Spinetail Devil Ray at the Mediterranean Fest (Port de Sóller).